This is me when I was in first or second grade.
Hi. Thanks for visiting my website. Here’s a photograph of me when I was in first or second grade.
I grew up on a small farm in Guilford, Connecticut with my parents, my brother, my sister and over 100 animals. We had a horse, a cow, chickens, peacocks, ducks, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, cats, dogs, a ferret, goats, rabbits, a donkey, geese, lizards, a turtle and fish. I felt very lucky to live with so many animals. When I wasn’t spending time with them, I liked to play with my siblings and friends, explore the woods around my house and read books. One thing I did NOT like to do was to write. Writing made me anxious, especially when a teacher said I had to. When I was in third grade, and I had to do it, I’d worry and worry and then write a little bit down on a piece of paper and show it to my teacher. He’d say, “That’s a good beginning.” And then he’d encourage me to write a little bit more. And I did. I’m very grateful to this teacher for helping me. His name is Bruce Walter. And also to these other teachers who taught me so much about writing: Michelle Irwin, Gail Tubbs, Kim Benston, Alex Johnson and Susan Goodman.

Writing is still hard for me. I think that sometimes when you care about something a lot, it can be difficult to do. But I’m glad that I kept doing it, even after there were any teachers saying I had to. Here’s why: when it’s going well, it makes me so happy, like there’s nothing I’d rather be doing.
If you’d like to send me a note, you can write one below. I’ll write back to you. I’m happy to hear what you have to say. You can also ask me science questions or questions about being a veterinarian, a writer or a teacher.